Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Great Sunflower Project

We decided to participate in the Great Sunflower Project this year, and it has been really interesting. This is a project being run by a university in California, and it is an effort to keep track of dwindling bee populations around the country. They will send you free sunflower seeds for planting, and they ask that you count the bees that visit your flowers once or twice during the summer. You are supposed to count until five bees arrive, or until half an hour has passed, whichever comes first. I have to say that sitting still for half an hour with a 3 year old around is nearly impossible, and it took me several tries to actually get my count done! However, lots of new blossoms opened last night, and I saw five bees in the five minutes I stood there watering flowers this morning! So I submitted our data today, and will try again toward the end of the summer. Crumpet learned about planting seeds and enjoyed watching our sunflowers grow taller than he is. And we both enjoyed getting a close up look at the bees!

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