Friday, June 17, 2011

Curriculum Purchased!

I placed our curriculum order with the charter school yesterday! We should have everything by the end of July. Most of the order was exactly as I expected, and wrote about, here.
However, I did decide against the Saxon Phonics and Spelling, because we will be using All About Spelling. I went with Explode the Code as a last minute decision for phonics. We'll see how it goes. The school wants me to have some kind of phonics program, so now I do. I ordered books 4, 5, and 6, which will hopefully take us through the end of the year.
I ordered Artistic Pursuits Book 1 for art lessons.
I also ordered the early books in the Mind Benders series to start teaching logical thinking.
And I ordered this cute Cultures of the World theme box from Lakeshore Learning to go with our geography lessons. (It is VERY fun to spend someone else's money on curriculum!)
The school gave us a year long pass to the history museum here, which we are very excited about. It's a great museum, but very expensive. Now we can go as often as we like!
And after all that, I still have $800 to spend for the year. Maybe on extracurriculars like swimming if the little man will cooperate. Maybe on more books? We have until December to figure it out.

In the meantime, All About Spelling has arrived, and I expect our science book any day. We'll begin those next week. We are doing some math online. I've created a prehistoric times history unit that we are working through. That way, if we are overwhelmed by the pile of new books at the end of July, we can slow down on work we began in the summer and focus on the new stuff until we adjust.

Yesterday, I bought all of our folders, notebooks, glue, etc because the military store is already having its back to school sale! So, I think we are ready. I'm very excited about the upcoming year. Crumpet is driving me crazy trying to open the new books, toys, computer games, etc that I've pulled together to add to our studies. Here's hoping we are both still excited in a few months!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun time for you and Crumpet. I love getting new books and materials. I just wish I also had time to actually use them :)
