I went crazy and bought Crumpet's kindergarten curriculum 2 years early... It was on ebay for half of what I would pay for it new so I just went for it. The box arrived yesterday, and I'm really pleased with it. I chose to use McRuffy's math, science and phonics programs. I'll add Five in a Row, and a few other odds and ends when we get closer to the beginning of school. I wanted a program that taught mostly through the use of games, manipulatives, and experiments because I'm pretty sure Crumpet is going to be a hands on, learn by doing, kind of boy! I'll have to use this curriculum on a daily basis to know for sure, but it looks perfect so far. I'm actually considering starting some of the science soon. The program looks pretty straight forward, even for a 3 1/2 year old. We talk about the world around us all the time, and do simple projects, but Crumpet still has questions, and I'd love to have him discover the answers by doing his own science experiments! I'll write some posts about how it goes when we begin (I still have to buy the science and math manipulatives, which are reasonably priced but not within budget just yet!)!