It seems that everything I ever said about proper parenting, and every comment I've ever made about anyone else's kids, has come back to haunt me now that I am a parent. Has anyone else had this happen? It has certainly taught me a lot about judging people. As in, DON'T, because I don't know anything about anything, and people really are just doing the best they can! :)
I always knew that ADHD exists and that some kids do have it. At the same time, I thought it was used more as a convenient excuse for teachers, and many parents, to drug their active children so they could handle a class, or home, full of other active kids. I believed that it was due to lack of exercise and too much time in front of the t.v.
Now, of course, I have a child who is blowing my mind with his hyperactivity and inability to focus.
Mealtimes have become a nightmare. I literally have to feed my 3 1/2 year old, or he doesn't eat. He is too busy climbing (more often, falling) out of his chair and back in, crawling under the table, harassing the pets, shooting imaginary bad guys... You get the idea. Almost every night, his drink ends up on the floor. He's been drinking from a regular cup for a year, but suddenly he can't NOT knock it over. (Yes, we're moving back to cups with lids because I hate to yell at him about spilled milk.)
He is happy to try to help us clean up at the end of the day, but even when we give him defined tasks ('put the cars in the bucket'), he can't do it. Within seconds, he's playing racecars and pulling out more toys to use in whatever pretend scheme he has going on.
He must have extended play breaks between every single school activity we do, whether it was a 30 second project or a 30 minute one.
If I tell him I'm going to take a shower, I hear him looking for me and screaming "where are you?" before I ever make it to the bathroom. He truly doesn't remember me telling him my plan. (Now, I have him repeat it back to me before I leave the room...)
This is all new behavior that has made an appearance in the last few months. It seems to have come at the same time as the imagination explosion we've seen. He has an incredible imagination, and he is constantly pretending to be someone or something else. The games just keep getting more elaborate.
So I don't know what to think. Is this normal 3 year old behavior? Normal boy behavior? Is it just a phase? Or a sign of a future problem?
I am grateful that I can homeschool him because I think I will have more luck getting through to him in a one-on-one setting where lessons are focused on his interests and abilities, and he may be more than a classroom teacher could handle. However, maybe he would try harder for someone he doesn't know? I have no intention of medicating him, or sending him off to school, but I am curious about other opinions. So what do you think?