Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Practicing Gratitude, Gifts 326-350

Another week of blessings:

326: Crumpet is fully potty trained. It has been months since he had an accident, even at night. Do you remember last year at this time when I was despairing because I believed he would leave for college in a diaper??
327: Cast iron pans
328: My Mom is coming to visit in March. I am so excited!!!!!
329: I've planned a most excellent surprise for Mom during her stay here.
330: We had a lovely weekend camping on the beach.
331: Sunrise on the beach.
332: Falling asleep to the sound of waves crashing.
333: Ice cream
334: Pillows (which I forgot to bring camping..)
335: Friendly camping neighbors.
336: A great dentist referral.
337: Things seem to work out the way they are supposed to.
338: Anticipation of 2 packages that should arrive next week. It always feels like Christmas.
339: Sleep
340: My poor sickly cat has nothing seriously wrong with her. Just old age and a touchy stomach.
341: Crumpet was incredibly well behaved at the vet.
342: Stain remover (Nature's Miracle= truly a miracle) for carpets where said kitty let me know she didn't feel well...
343: Automatic car washes
344: Family hide and seek games at night on the playground.
345: Parents and in-laws who have never been judgmental about the way I have chosen to live my life.
346: We are not experiencing any of the truly scary weather that so much of the world is seeing.
347: My husband tolerates my moods so very well.
348: The leak our tenants found turned out to be no big deal.
349: A pair of new shorts. You cannot buy shorts in the 'winter' in Hawaii, and all of mine are destroyed from too much wear. I found a pair hiding in a corner at Target and snatched it up!
350: A fun, unexpected play date with a friend we hadn't seen for awhile.


  1. Ack! I am still to send out my packages. It's been a crazy week! Camping on the beach sounds so lovely!

  2. YAY! for so many of these. I'm especially with you on the potty training and packages. :-) We just checked the mail and got two packages too. Sure wish my mom would come visit. *sniff sniff* She is from NJ and says even our winter is too hot for her. LOL

    Love reading these gratitude posts, helps remind me of the neat "little" things that build up and make me smile too.
